Special Thanks from FICA DC

Camaradas! Antes tarde do que nunca!

We would like to thank all and each of you that made this event possible! Special thanks go to the the guests that came to share their knowledge and wisdom with all of us, much gratitude to mestras Janja, Paulinha and Gege, CMs Andrea and Cris!

Big thanks to Mestre Cobra Mansa as well for supporting the good work that still needs to be done!

Thanks to Treinel Huu (FICA Chicago) and Treinel Evan (FICA Philly) for being such beautiful angoleiras in and out of the roda, much respect for all that you do to encourage other women to keep fighting!

Thanks to Maria, our photographer, that came from Rio just to capture these special moments with her talent!

Thanks to Tabatta Ventura from FICA SP that for believing in our work and wanting to be here with us to share these moments together!

Thanks to Naomi Hanna for the beautiful artwork that she did for the logo of this event!

Mama Ama for sharing her beliefs and infinity love!

Mama Geni for always being there sharing her gift and being an example of a fighter!

Big thanks to Madea for providing us with such a delicious and nutritious meal!

Couldn’t say enough thanks to everyone from FICA DC that helped to put this event together, we have been planning this for over a year and we believe that it paid off! You guys are AMAZING!!!

Also a big thanks to the DC Commission on Arts & Humanities for trusting our work and granting us with funds that supported this event!

To everyone that came from many different places, as far as Japan, Argentina, Hawaii, Seattle, Montreal, Baltimore, New York, Chicago, Miami, Madison, Vancouver, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Toronto, Oakland, etc… you all made this a memorable event, hoping to see each one of you in the near future!

To all the women that came before us and had the courage to fight so we could be here today! To all of the present women that continue to fight, and to all of those that will fight in the future!

Last but not least, a huge thank you to Sylvia Robinson for starting this event 20 years ago, when no one had thought about the importance of such a thing! Your vision has guided us much farther than we ever expected, may you be here with us 20 years from now to continue showing us the path and being able to see the fruits that will bear from this tree that you helped plant!



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